Mark Shander is an Internet broadcast and media pioneer.
In the early-to-mid-90’s, Shander simulcast his Phoenix radio programs live on the Internet, using what is now TheGlobe.Com’s “Happy Puppy Games” as the flagship Site. He also syndicated archives of the shows and made them available to stream on-demand at several dozen highly-trafficked entertainment Sites. The show was heard by 50-55,000 listeners each week.
Shander’s experience in broadcasting, computing and communications began at age 8, when his mother routinely took the neighborhood kids to the local TV station (KPAZ TV-21) to fill out the studio audience for tapings of “The Bozo Show”. Shander quickly learned camera composition, videotape editing and backtiming, could explain what “sync” signals were for, and knew what frequency NTSC’s color burst subcarrier resides on. He taught at broadcast schools, designed multi-track studios and wrote curriculum. He helped put Arizona’s first Low Power TV station on the air, syndicating 8 hours of programming per day to a cable TV network for a national audience. He worked at a number of Arizona broadcast stations, including 5 years at the Phoenix ABC-TV affiliate, assisting in setting up a local news department for the station and producing, editing video and mixing audio for the newscast.
Shander ran The Broadcaster’s BBS, a free local and national reporter telecommunications resource, for 11 years. He is the former editor of The Arizona Technology Council Newsletter. He was also Contributing Editor at The Radio Times, a broadcast and streaming media industry trade publication and wrote for Computer Buyer Magazine. He currently writes for Radio Guide, a broadcast industry trade publication and The Broadcaster’s Desktop Resource (BDR), and hosts weekly radio shows highlighting business and technology as well as a syndicated music radio program for kids. He volunteers time serving youth-related organizations as well as those that are charitable.
Shander also works with the Arizona Small Business Association, the Arizona Technology Council, Chambers of Commerce, and other business-related organizations, hosting workshops on sales and marketing. He has extensive telephony and data communications expertise. During his 4-1/4 year tenure, Shander managed a business sales team for Verizon Wireless, achieving President’s Cabinet recognition (top 1-2% of sales in the USA) for his individual contribution to the organization. The award was presented to him in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Shander is former Vice President of the Grand Canyon Chapter of AIIM International. He is currently a member of The Internet Press Guild and is the former Managing Editor at IPG’s Web Site. He moderates the American Broadcasting and Streaming Media group. Having promoted two very popular computer/video game franchises, he is called on by local and national TV, radio and print media to comment in stories on issues relating to the Electronic Entertainment Industry and entertainment technology, and has appeared on CNN and in the pages of The Wall Street Journal. Visit his Website at
Contributing Editor, CBS/ZDNet; Columnist, ComputerWorld; and Freelance Writer
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